Organized jointly by the University of Leoben and the Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH, the one-day workshop "Antimicrobial Surfaces and Coatings" has been recognized throughout Austria with great interest: The organizers were happy to welcome more than 50 participants in Leoben on June 05, 2013.
The contamination of surfaces and devices by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi is one of the biggest challenges in densely populated urban areas and is further amplified by the current trend of "urban flight". The Leoben workshop dedicatedly addressed the issues associated with this health risk, and combined presentations of applicability and action modes of antimicrobial additives with special challenges in drinking water applications and food sector technologies, the legal regulations in Austria and the EU, as well as polymer processing.
The circular can be downloaded here
Further Information:
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Frank Wiesbrock
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